Igor Pechtchanski wrote:


What about the command that builds the static library that InitOutput.o is
included into?  Does it, by any chance, use a --kill-at linker flag?
Otherwise I'm out of ideas.  If you could either post the whole XWin.exe
make log somewhere or send it to me privately, I'll see if I can spot
something that's different in your test example.  Posting it will, of
course, allow everyone else to examine it as well.

Oops, forgot to include that command. Putting together a complete build log would be kinda tricky at the moment since I'm not really doing a complete build of things... it would just have what I have sent so far, plus the link command below and tons of additional notes on which directory it is going into to do nothing. I don't think that would be of much use.


ar clq libXWin.a InitInput.o InitOutput.o stubs.o winallpriv.o winauth.o winblock.o wincmap.o winconfig.o wincreatewnd.owincursor.o windialogs.o winengine.o winerror.o winglobals.o winkeybd.o winmisc.o winmouse.o winmsg.o winmultiwindowclass.o winmultiwindowicons.o winprefs.o winprefslex.o winprefsyacc.o winprocarg.o winregistry.o winscrinit.o winshaddd.o winshadddnl.o winshadgdi.o wintrayicon.o winwakeup.o winwindow.o winwndproc.o winclipboardinit.o winclipboardtextconv.o winclipboardthread.o winclipboardunicode.o winclipboardwndproc.o winclipboardwrappers.o winclipboardxevents.o winmultiwindowshape.o winmultiwindowwindow.o winmultiwindowwm.o winmultiwindowwndproc.o
ranlib libXWin.a

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