
Finally I managed to figure out howto make the AltGr key work on my German 
keyboard under Solaris 2.6 and Cygwin XFree86 (tested with 4.3.0-51)! :-)

The at '@' and pipe '|' and all other AltGr keys work for me, even the 
Euro-Sign if I use a iso-8859-15 font. Here is the howto: 

1. Edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config

You need to _uncomment_ the following line in section "InputDevices":
   Option "RightAlt"  "ModeSwitch"

Restart your X-Server to apply the change.

2. Modify your keymap:

I'm using the following .xmodmaprc below. 
Please have a look at the notes too!

! Make AltGr work with Solaris 2.6 and Cygwin XFree86
! Prerequisite: Add or uncomment the following line in section
!               "InputDevices" of /etc/X11/XF86Config :
!    Option "RightAlt" "ModeSwitch"
! NOTE: Newer OS, such as Solaris versions (8 and 9), Linux or Cygwin
!       do NOT need this fix!
! -------------------------------------------------------------------
! assign modifier key
! for modern OS (Solaris 8, Linux, Cygwin, etc)
!keycode 113 = ISO_Level3_Shift Multi_key
! for ancient Solaris 2.6
keycode 113 = Mode_switch
! remap keys
! NOTE: Keycodes (list with 'modmap -pke') under Exceed 8.0 differ
!       from Cygwin XFree86. Odd. Therefore, check the values!
keycode  11 = 2 quotedbl twosuperior
keycode  12 = 3 section threesuperior
keycode  16 = 7 slash braceleft
keycode  17 = 8 parenleft bracketleft
keycode  18 = 9 parenright bracketright
keycode  19 = 0 equal braceright
keycode  20 = ssharp question backslash
keycode  21 = acute grave
keycode  24 = q Q at
keycode  26 = e E currency
keycode  35 = plus asterisk asciitilde
keycode  49 = asciicircum degree
keycode  58 = m M mu
keycode  94 = less greater bar

* Save this as your ~/.xmodmaprc or save it and run 
  'xmodmap filename' in your shell startup script.
* I've found that the keycodes are _not_ identical and depend
  on your OS and/or X-Server (can somebody clearify this?). 
  The values above work for me, but you'd better verify the keycodes
  with 'modmap -pke' if they match yours.

* If 'currency' is not defined, try 'EuroSign' or '0x00a4'.

Hope that helps. Comments are welcome.


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