Nahor wrote:

Alexander Gottwald wrote:

It was (is) in CVS and I really like it. Even much better than the new one.

Maybe one can add yet-another-option on the commandline and have several icons in the exe (or on a special library or whatever). It won't solve the problem of the default exe icon but it will solve any the taskbar/systray/shortcuts issue.

Well, I don't know about a command-line option (sounds like a reasonable idea), but I was at least going to preserve the white bordered icon as the second icon in the file. That way people could use it for shortcuts and such. Also, I think Earle's .XWinrc file may allow you to specify an alternate icon for the tray and the default icon for each window, so we may not need a command-line option. Anyone want to look into this to confirm or debunk it?


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