Now by default the multi-window mode is used: you don't have anymore a specific window for the X server.

In this mode Windows Explorer is used as a Window Manager and you can see that X is running by looking at the "X" shaped icon in the tray.

If you want X to start as it did before you must launch directly XWin without the -multiwindow options, or you can provide a .xserverrc file in your home directory (or the system wide configuration in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc).



Michael Nirschl wrote:

Hi !

I was using Cygwin and Xfree86 until 1 or 2 weeks ago to run software in my department from home. Now suddenly when I open a shell and type startx it doesnt start XWin.exe any more. I just get anther bash with different colors. Before it used to open a window with X running in it aftrer which I could connect to my dept and run the software I need.

Have you heard of this problem before ? Is it known or am I missing some change in the configurationfiles ?

Thanks a lot, I would really like to keep using the program, because its great.

Ciao, Michael

Danilo Turina
Alcatel Optics OND Network Management
Rieti (Italy) - Phone: +39 0746 600332

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