I am trying to run more than one X server on my WIn2k system and don't
seem to be able to do it.  Maybe I'm trying to do the wrong thing and
there's another approach to get what I want.

I'm running the -60 version.

I run a multiple/virtual desktop system on my win2k machine, I run the
cygwin X server to display a remote system's Linux desktop in one of
the virtual windows and it occupies the whole window.

What I want to do in addition is to display local rxvt windows on
demand on other win2k virtual desktop windows.

Trying to start another X server to display the local rxvt window(s)
doesn't seem to work, I've tried using the -screen parameter but that
didn't seem to get me far, the rxvt windows insisted in popping up on
the Linux desktop anyway and the second X server failed to start up
with an error message about invalid screen parameters.

Can anyone think of a way of getting what I want?  Can I start up an X
server that will see the win2k virtual screens as different displays,
or can I start up one that will see them all as one big wide display?


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