I've been doing a little poking, and I'm guessing that the reason 
server-side truetype doesn't work any more is that we're not building the 
FreeType module. I think we used to get it by #include <xfree86.cf> in 
cygwin.cf which had defaults in xfree86.cf to build both the FreeType and 
XTrueType (as I understand it only one is needed):
#ifndef BuildFreeType
# define BuildFreeType          YES

#ifndef BuildXTrueType
# define BuildXTrueType         YES

However, I tried putting #define BuildFreeType YES in host.def and while 
it appeared to build FreeType into the font lib, the xwin I got still 
didn't support Truetype.

Test case:
$ xset fp+ /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/
xset:  bad font path element (#58), possible causes are:
    Directory does not exist or has wrong permissions
    Directory missing fonts.dir
    Incorrect font server address or syntax

Where the directory does exist, does have fonts.dir, no font server is 
being specified. I can't see any problem with permissions.


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