On Tue, 27 Apr 2004, Sara Gamble wrote:

> Hi,
> I installed both Cygwin and Cygwin/X for the first time last week and also
> updated with the new setup version 2.427 yesterday.  I have Cygwin/X
> release and my operating system is Windows XP pro.  When I start
> Cygwin I get a Cygwin bash shell (with the C~ in the upper left corner)
> and everything seems to work correctly.  My problem is that I cannot open
> Cygwin/X in the default environment where I get an X Server, terminal, and
> window manager.  Instead, two different things are happening to me when I
> run the three different start options:
> 1. When I run startwin.bat or startx (after using whatever default
> ~/.xinitrc you get when following the directions here:
> http://x.cygwin.com/docs/ug/using.html#using-starting and making no
> modifications to the template) I get a small terminal with an X~ in the
> upper left corner with green and yellow fonts and scroll bar.
> 2. When I run xwin.exe I get a full screen gray and black mesh with the X
> Cygwin/X -0:0 words in the upper left corner and the regular Windows
> minimize and close buttons in the upper right.  Other than that, the
> display is completely empty (ie no terminals or the ability to add them or
> anything).

This is the normal behaviour. XWin is only the xserver and does not start any
clients. For starting a complete session you should startxwin.bat or startx.

If you do not want the variant which creates multiple windows you have to edit
startxwin.bat and remove the -multiwindow switch.

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