Alexander Gottwald said:
> The -screen option will not help. Use other display numbers instead:
> user    startup           $DISPLAY       file in /tmp
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> Alice   XWin :0 $OPTIONS  localhost:0.0  /tmp/.X11-unix/X0
> Bob     XWin :1 $OPTIONS  localhost:1.0  /tmp/.X11-unix/X1
> Charly  XWin :2 $OPTIONS  localhost:2.0  /tmp/.X11-unix/X2
> If the /tmp/.X11-unix directory still makes problems start XWin with
> XWin -nolisten unix $OPTIONS
> This way the :0.0 display will not work but localhost:0.0 and hostname:0.0
> will still work and can be used as replacement.

Thanks, it works now.


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