Hello ,
Recently I tried to install cygwin to just use your software for xserver
purposes. I followed
closely the instructions given in x.cygwin.com for downloading cygwin using the
`for all` option. I then went to
directory /usr/X11R6/bin/ to click on`xwindows.exe` to use only this application
but the application complained that dlls could not be found.

Later when I went back to setup.exe and installed
`xstart` aswell using the installation method given in the URL below. What
happen next was  an Xwindows
box appeared on my screen but I could not move the box around the screen nor
did the  command prompt flash either. I did not have tunnelling set at the time
with SSH under MSDOS windows but I am wondering if I have done some thing wrong.


(I am by default both user and admin on my 2000 Windows )
I look forward to your reply.


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