On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 07:07:35PM -0400, Christopher Faylor wrote:
>On Thu, Jul 08, 2004 at 09:31:31PM +0200, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
>>I have to make a sad announce:
>>Harold Hunt, leader of the Cygwin/X project for some years will quit being
>>the project leader because of his new job and family. With Harold quitting
>>I'll take over leadership of the project and will be responsible for making
>>releases, managing the website and documentation and managing the list.
>>I hope I can come up with a similar performance as Harold had shown in the
>>past and want to thank Harold for putting so much time and work into making
>>Cygwin/X a great xserver with features similar to those from commercial ones.
>>Thank you, Harold.
>>After Harold, Kensuke and Takuma can not offer their time anymore we
>>are now short on developers.  This means that the external multiwindow
>>windowmanager is not actively developed anymore and I can only continue
>>working on small enhancements and bugfixes.
>>Any help is greatly appreciated.
>I am also very sad that Harold is stepping down.  It's the end of an era.
>However, thanks very much Andrew for your increased commitment to the
>project.  Harold is leaving things in good hands.

Sigh.  I used the name "Andrew" about 27 times yesterday when I was talking
about Alexander.  I am sorry Alexander.  I've been reading your email for
years now and you'd think I would know better.  What can I say?  I'm an


Anyway the sentiment is the same even if I can't get the names straight...


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