On Mon, 19 Jul 2004, Amr Mohamed Roushdi wrote:

> Alex u are right in diagnosing the problem . Earlier releases accept it 
> though ???  

I have no older version handy but found the same code in all releases up to
XFree 4.0. I'll check if I find older binaries at home. 

> Now my question would be how to get Xwin running without -from parameter ?

I'll take a look at the ls_netdev output you've sent me some time ago and
will try to trace which interface is used first and which can be discarded.

>  I am enclosing cygcheck output for the xwin working with 2 sessions .

If you use it without -from parameter there must either be a message in the 
logfile about xdm giving up (sesssion declined error) or some message at the 
xdm server. You'll have to wait a short time until the timeout happens.

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