bt tan wrote:


    Good day. I am a newbie for cygwinX application. I
was wondering is this the right place to post question
of uncertainty about cygwinX application?

     If no, I would like to address my apologize here.

     If yes, I would like to ask the following
question. I'm currently trying to compile OTCL1.8 and
TK 8.4.5 using cygwin, but somehow rather the message
I have indicating that the X11 library couldn't be
found. Suprisingly I've installed the X windows
components and my Xwindows seems to be running ok.
Here's the details when I was running the make install
for TK 8.4.5 :

Steps taken to compile tk8.4.5 --------------------------------

What is the output of 'configure' regarding X11 ?

make install

Error displayed:
gcc -pipe tkAppInit.o \
-L/home/Administrator/ns/tk8.3.2/unix -ltk8.3 \
-L/home/Administrator/ns/tcl8.3.2/unix -ltcl8.3 -lX11 -lc -o wish

cannot find -lX11
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

-- Michel Bardiaux Peaktime Belgium S.A. Bd. du Souverain, 191 B-1160 Bruxelles Tel : +32 2 790.29.41

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