I read your email with great interest, and congratulate you on your perseverence and creativity in solving you VPN problem. However, something occurred to me that you might want to consider.

I don't know a whole lot about Virtual PC, but if it really behaves as a stand-alone PC which co-exists on the same LAN as the Host PC (in this case the Mac), it should be entirely possible to set up a simple network route which routes TCP/IP traffic between the VPN endpoint (at the virtual PC side) over to the host Mac. This would allow you to run Apple's X server instead of using Cygwin/X. I'm willing to bet that VPN<->VirtualPC(virtual route)<->Max X-server is going to have better performance than VPN<->VirtualPC(Cygwin/X).

I think WinME and WinXP have routing built-in (called Internet Connection Sharing, or ICS). Other flavors of Windows can be setup to route using 3rd-party freeware.

&gt;From: Dr Robert Young &lt;rcyoung_ta_aliconsultants_tod_com&gt;
&gt;Subject: Mac OS/X, Virtual PC 6, Oracle, and Cygwin/X - a tale
&gt;Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2004 12:49:58 -0400
&gt;Well it is possible to get cygwin/X running on Virtual PC 6.1.1
&gt;under Mac OS/X 10.3. There are some tricks (simply to make it work,
&gt;and to preserve your sanity......all Windows OSs are NOT created
&gt;equal), so please bear with me while I provide some &quot;color&quot; to my
&gt;Now, you may ask why anyone would want to get this combo working on
&gt;a Macintosh Powerbook G4 running OS/X 10.3.5? You can get X windows
&gt;for OS/X directly.
&gt;However, the world is populated by Windows machines, and as a
&gt;database consultant, I have to access a multitude of client sites
&gt;&quot;remotely&quot; since travel is not an option for a myriad of reasons.
&gt;That means you enter the world of VPNs, which are in heavy use
&gt;today, and getting more common by the minute. And the world of VPNs
&gt;is dominated by Windows software ( NOT the VPN that you get
&gt;w/Windows direct from Microsoft, but the proprietary ones like
&gt;Contivity, Cisco, Avaya, etc). Further VPN's do not &quot;like&quot; to be
&gt;installed on the same machine as other VPN's ( these things do not
&gt;&quot;play well&quot; together), so if you are working with 3-4-5 customers
&gt;and all the associated VPN software is from different vendors...well
&gt;you can see the problem even if you don't toss in the point that I
&gt;wanted to use my Mac that I had already paid for with hard earned,
&gt;cold, unadulterated CASH.
&gt;That was my original motivation for getting Virtual PC...so one
&gt;could use the Windows VPN software to access the client sites, by
&gt;defining &quot;multiple&quot; virtual PCs each with their own software
&gt;installed for a specific customer, and do it all from (1)
&gt;laptop..... AND IT WORKS!
&gt;The next issue came from Oracle Corporation ( remember I make a
&gt;living as a database consultant). On Unix (Sun, HP, AIX, Linux) the
&gt;Oracle installer is the &quot;Universal Installer&quot;...ie it is a java
&gt;based &amp; X-based. Character based telnet installs are not a real
&gt;option anymore, much to the telecommuter's regret.
&gt;That means I needed to come up with a means of running remote
&gt;X-apps, through the client's VPN under Windows, but (in my case
&gt;solely as a matter of personal preference) on a Macintosh OS/X
&gt;system. There is now a version of Virtual PC for Windows letting you
&gt;define multiple Win OS's on the same Intel platform ( I do, in fact,
&gt; have an older Compaq laptop ), but that means I have to by a newer
&gt;Intel based laptop with more disk &amp; memory &amp; the Win Virtual PC
&gt;software, and I didn't want to spend the $$$ there.
&gt;Enough of the &quot;tedious&quot; background...but you do now have a good feel
&gt;for the situation....
&gt;I looked at several commercial Windows X servers (since I had to use
&gt;Windows based VPNs) , and all would run under Virtual PC but in true
&gt;Murphy's form, each had its own &quot;problem&quot; with the Oracle Universal
&gt;Installer...fonts, missing buttons, etc. The glitches were well
&gt;documented around the various Oracle www sites, but no real good
&gt;solutions were available unless you could get a customer to change
&gt;their X client setup &quot;just for you&quot; ( not a point you really want to
&gt;ask a paying customer), upgrade their Oracle site-wide ( only a few
&gt;hundred thousand dollars for that one), or you could find V6 of the
&gt;'X' server software (which was now on V12..lotsa luck on that one).
&gt;Then I came across cygwin/X...
&gt;Now I like free software in my business, it allows me to spend more
&gt;money on my hobbies. So I downloaded cygwin/X onto two different
&gt;Virtual PC setups...one is Windows 2000, the other is Windows 98SE.
&gt;In the case of the basic cygwin, one has to increase the environment
&gt;space for storing PATH information, etc. Once that was done, cygwin
&gt;would come up under both Windows OSs, but it was much slower under
&gt;Win 2000.
&gt;Next I needed the X software running. For each Windows OS, I tried
&gt;startxwin.bat &amp; startxwin.sh. Sorry to say, these were a no go. The
&gt;&quot;X&quot; showed up in the task bar, but no xterm was generated, and no X
&gt;app would display. I should not say they never worked, startxwin.bat
&gt;did work completely (1) time in 5 days of trial and error...but it
&gt;never repeated.
&gt;So then I went back an extra step.. to the cygwin admin window and
&gt;xinit -- -kb
&gt;and IT WORKED! It worked on both OSs, but it was much ...much faster
&gt;in Win 98SE. This was with the VPN running ( my only immediate need
&gt;is for the Avaya VPN, but I plan to test it with some of the others
&gt;as well at a later date).
&gt;After the xterm appeared, I started the Oracle Installer on the
&gt;remote Sun system using
&gt;ssh -Y [EMAIL PROTECTED] /usr/openwin/bin/xterm
&gt;and then from the Sun xterm, I could run the Installer ( I could
&gt;have run it directly from ssh, but after the install you usually
&gt;have to check some things, so I wanted a xterm window ready,
&gt;willing, and able), and it displayed back on the Mac WITH NO VISIBLE
&gt;So, cygwin/X now lets me run the Oracle software, displayed back to
&gt;my existing Mac, without having to purchase either a commercial
&gt;Windows X server ( around $300), or buy a another laptop
&gt;And that is the end of my tale....
&gt;Dr. Robert Young
&gt;WWW: http://www.aliconsultants.com
&gt;Dr. Robert Young
&gt;ALI Database Consultants
&gt;1151 Williams Dr
&gt;Aiken SC 29803
&gt;WWW: http://www.aliconsultants.com
&gt;Tele: 1-803-648-5931
&gt;Toll free in US: 1-866-257-8970 Fax:1-803-641-0345
&gt;&quot;Source of Rdb Controller, software for database analysis &amp;
&gt;performance tuning&quot;

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