On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, Zach Gelnett wrote:

> I’m using the latest version of the KDE desktop from
> kde-cygwin.sourceforge.net/install
> If I run the XWin.exe with the “-clipboard” option I keep getting this
> error:
> winClipboardErrorHandler – ERROR:
>             BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation)
> And whatever it is that I selected takes over my clipboard, basically the
> selects from Cygwin are what’s in my clipboard no matter what.  I can paste
> into windows but I can’t copy from windows and have it show up in either
> windows or cygwin.

Please provide more information about

- version of XWin 
- OS (Win9x or WinNT, Version, language)

> So I restart the X server, this time not using the –clipboard option.  When
> the server comes up I run: xwinclip >/dev/null & 
> This seems to work fine for a while, then it arbitrary crashes.  I’ve piped
> the output to a log file and here’s what I get:

xwinclip is not supported anymore and lacks many features and fixes which are 
incorporated into the xserver itself.

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