On Fri, 1 Oct 2004, Roman Belenov wrote:

> I have the following problem - if a window is resized so that part of it get's
> closer than 40 pixels to left screen border (I've got 1200x1600 resolution, so
> effect takes places when absolute x coordinate of some pixels in a window is
> larger then 1160), that part becomes white and is not redrawn later. If I just
> move the window to the right edge of the screen, it is redrawn correctly. The
> effect also takes place on window maximization - again, I have 40-pixels wide
> white vertical stripe near the right edge of the window. Without multiwindow,
> everything works fine - I have fullscreen root window and applications
> maximized inside it don't have this white stripe. Any ideas ?

please send /tmp/XWin.log

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