Bobby McNulty wrote:

OK Chris, here it is. The full report. Complete down to the readme file that it is hanging at.
Cygwin setup is at 97%
it says install xorg-x11-fscl-

its in a contiuous loop, not gettiing past this point.

In a different posting it was said that it is the fontserver package, this is a different package. How should we debug this problem without correct information?

This is the first posting I see about this issue where I read a detailed description, all the others I read (maybe I have not seen all of them) were about some readme file, fontserver..., nothing useful.

I just reinstalled this xorg-x11-fscl package now, it works fine on NT4 AND it works fine on XP/SP2.

$ cygcheck -c xorg-x11-fscl
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
xorg-x11-fscl      OK

Why don't you send the output of cygcheck -srv as an attachment?

Maybe your mount table is broken?  Maybe your XP/SP2 is broken?

Why are you not providing more information? You cannot expect that we can fix a problem which we don't have, I cannot help debugging it without even seeing the problem.

Gerrit -- =^..^=

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