On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Øyvind Harboe wrote:

> - My first intended use of Xming.exe is to try to make some progress on
> tracking a crash in XWin.exe.  This stranded on GDB problems last I
> attempted to track it down.
> http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin-xfree/2004-10/msg00112.html
> - I didn't find any file called /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb, but there is a
> file called /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb.txt

Yes. This is the file. 

> - Rejoice! GDB does not go ga-ga when debugging Xming.exe!
> - I assume it builds upon pretty much the same source as XWin.exe. Is
> the source available? Or even better committed to a CVS server
> somewhere?

Not yet. But http://freedesktop.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=1802 has patches.
I hope to commit it the next days.

I've a new version posted on

- -query is working
- fontdirs can use drive letters in from
- default fontpath and rgbfile are relocated
  place Xming.exe in cygwin /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 and it will find
  all fonts and the rgb file.

  The relocation replaces /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 with the path component
  of the Xming binary

> - I noticed Xming.exe depends on msvcr70.dll

yes. It's required for scprintf which counts how much characters a sprintf would
write. Maybe I'll replace that with the snprintf from xc/lib/misc

> - If someone could explain how to verify that a Linux box is configured
> as a fontserver, it would be much appreciated. I think my Debian box is
> running a font server. From my Debian box:
> fury:~# ps -A | grep xfs
>   431 ?        00:00:00 xfs
> - After I launch Xming.exe, it seems like it is stuck waiting for
> something after the Xming.exe window is up. The mouse cursor is stuck as
> an hourglass and the Xming.exe does not redraw. Attached is XWin.log.

Maybe the fontserver is not responding.

most linux distributions havbe it setup without tcp transport. Check 
and comment the line "no-listen = tcp"

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