On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, Christopher Faylor wrote:

> On Wed, Nov 10, 2004 at 09:02:53PM +0100, Alexander Gottwald wrote:
> >On Wed, 10 Nov 2004, ?yvind Harboe wrote:
> >>* There are two many options and questions with CygWin.  I imagine that
> >>Xming.exe can come with a ~"zero questions" installer.
> >
> >This is the main reason.  There is still some work to do but I plan on
> >having all defaults in Xming depend on the installation dir of Xming.
> Er, I guess it's time I stepped in, then.
> Since the name of this mailing list is "cygwin-xfree" and the site you
> are using is cygwin.com, I would not expect too much traffic here
> regarding non-cygwin solutions.
> This *has* come up before and I think I'm being pretty consistent here.

Yes, this is right. If the port evolves and is more usable I'll search a new
home for it (most likely freedesktop.org). Currently only Øyvind and I were 
discussing things and this can be easily done by personal mail.

> Alexander, if you are going to be devoting a lot of time to this project
> from now on do we need to find a Cygwin/X maintainer?  

My #1 priority i clearly Cygwin/X. The mingw port is just a sideeffect of the
development for Cygwin/X. 

 http://www.gotti.org           ICQ: 126018723

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