On Tue, 16 Nov 2004, Mark Paulus wrote:

> Well, it does seem to be a font issue.  I used
> setup, and did a re-install of a couple of x11 font packages
> and everthing seems to be working just fine.
> On a side note, ipc-daemon2 does not seem to provide whatever
> is needed by MIT-SHM, as I get that message, whether
> I have ipc-daemon2 started or not.

You have to setup cygserver.

cygserver-config might help. And adding the "server" keyword to 
the CYGWIN environment variable. eg 

CYGWIN=server XWin.exe $OPTIONS

@all: Is there documentation available on this?
> I also think it's not a goodness that using setup to handle an
> upgrade breaks the fonts package(s) and causes system 
> failures....  But then, that's just my opinion, and as we all know,
> opinion are like rear-ends....  Everyone has one, and they 
> are usually all full of ......

It should not. But such things are sometimes hard to reproduce and 
hard to identify.

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