Dmitry Babich wrote:

> I installed cygwin/X on XP box. When I try to telnet to another machine, I
> immediately received prompt back. It looks like telnet do nothing.  I tryed
> "/?" to receive help - still nothing.
> Note, that ping works fine.
> If I do telnet from Windows cmd window everything works fine. I even tried
> to replace c:/WINDOWS/system32/telnet to those from 2k box - the result is
> same.
> Output of "which telnet" is:
> /cygdrive/c/WINDOWS/system32/telnet.

This probably belongs on the main cygwin list (cygwin @
because it doesn't seem to have anything to do with X11.

I have had this happen before, and I believe it's because windows'
native ftp program is confused by ptys (which are implemented with pipes
internally.)  Many native win32 programs react in strange ways if their
input/output is attached to a pty, which will be the case if you're
running in a rxvt/xterm window or a regular bash command prompt with
'tty' set in your $CYGWIN.

The solution is simple, install the inetutils package which includes
among other things, a cygwin version of telnet that knows about ptys.


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