On Wed, Mar 09, 2005 at 04:19:18PM -0500, Joseph Miller wrote:
>I recently received a list entitled "30+ Reasons Why X-Win32 is Better than 
>Cygwin/X".  I don't know enough at the moment (though I am learning) about 
>the Cygwin/X server to be able to understand some of the reasons.  I have 
>already created XWinLogon (http://www.calcmaster.net/visual-c++/xwinlogon/) 
>and I am working to work on the Cygwin/X server so that all 30+ reasons will 
>go away.  Can someone please explain the following:

Out of curiousity, where did you get this list?  Was it something that
you asked for or something that was sent to you without asking?

For those who don't know, Harold Hunt (the former main developer for
Cygwin/X) now works for the company who provides X-Win32.


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