--- "John Morrison (Cygwin)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Matthew,
> Although the message is from base-files the reason
> is due to installation.


> In my experience this only
> occurs when installing for a domain user although
> others have reported other reasons for it.

'Domain'? What kind of 'domain' are you talking about
here? And why should a user have to rebuild the entire
passwd and group files just because they are a domain
user? This sounds wrong: if it is right, more
explanation is necessary.

> For me, the message occurs because the base-passwd
> (which I also maintain) doesn't and (for a number of
> reasons, see archives) can't add domain users.

What 'base-passwd'? And can you be a little more
specific than "see archives"? I did a search with
"cygwin base-passwd domain user" and I still have a
sinking feeling when I see what links come up.

> The outcome is, for this user, is that you get added
> to a special group.  In an effort to stop or at
> least
> slow ;) the number of emails to the list when stuff
> didn't work because their user/group wasn't setup
> correctly some detection code was added to
> base-files
> along with some instruction as to what to do.
Right. And when I follow those instructions, it
_still_ does not work: it does not allow me to remake
the group, so I still get the message. So I am quite
surprised that you say this message has reduced the
number of emails to the list.

Besides: the user should not have to know enough about
domains and passwords to know why you have assumed
that domain user stay domain users. And why are you so
worried about the "problems there" when domain users
are added (or did you mean not added) to passwd/group
> Basically adding your user (using the domain flag if
> appropriate) to the passwd and group files which is
> what the message attempts to help the user to do. 

This sentence is missing a main verb. Besides: I tried
this both with and without the -d flag and make group
failed both ways.

> It
> appears (judging from the number of times this
> question isn't now appearing on the lists) to have
> worked for most people, but I'm always looking for
> perfection ;)

As I said, it surprises me that this would reduce the
number, since it failed so quickly for me. But I
always knew I was different;)

> Hope this helps explain things,

Partially, yes. But I am still mystified why both
"mkgroup -l > /etc/passwd" and "mkgroup -l -d >
/etc/passwd" fail. The error code from the latter is
"Cannot get PDC, code = 2453".


BTW: maybe _you_ never log on locally when running on
a network domain, but I often do. So I find the
restriction irritating. And I see from perusing the
list that I am not the first to find it so. More
important, in some benighted companies, users do not
have Administrator privileges on their own Win95
workstations. They can only log on with their domain
user name. Won't they want to be able to log on
locally even more often (under Cygwin)?

Matthew Johnson

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