On Tue, 19 Apr 2005, Hermann-Josef Beckers wrote:

> keyboard.out contains the messages, when entering F6 via the attached 
> keyboard.
> menu.out contains the messages generated by clicking the button 
> labeled F6 in the panel.

The log from keyboard.out shows the keypress

WindowProc: HWND 0075 00400001 WM_KEYDOWN
WindowProc: HWND 0075 c0400001 WM_KEYUP

The menu.out log has no indication that anything happend. Unless I get
more information on the type of display and how the on screen keys work
I can not provide a solution.

> NB. I had a problem in using msgtest.exe from a bash prompt. 
> The X server was active, but no window appeared and msgtest.exe
> didn't spew any messages. I had to start a xterm from the bash
> prompt and then start msgtest.exe.

I only tested it with xterm, so I did notice this before.

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