On Sun, 24 Apr 2005, Scott Cegielski wrote:

I use ws3 under linux at work and have gotten really used to using gnome's
tabbed shells.  I don't know if this is a xterm feature or a gnome feature or
neither, but is this something that could be implemented under cygwin xfree?

AFAIR there is some rxvt cole which can do this. Search the mailinglist archives. The keyword tabbed xterm or xterm tabs should help.

mrxvt is 'rxvt console' you're looking for: http://materm.sourceforge.net/ is the homepage

I downloaded mrxvt-0.4.0.tar.gz,

configured as told to do in the README file, http://materm.sourceforge.net/docs/README

./configure --enable-everything --disable-debug
then 'make' and 'make install'.


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