Hello Alexander,

Thank you very much for your reply.

Following your hints, I entered in the xterm window in the PC:
xterm -e ssh -Y <sun-host> &
Then a SSH window appeared in the PC:
The authenticity of host 'borsen1 (a.b.c.d)' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is x:y:z:... .
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'borsen1,a.b.c.d' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Whatever I entered as the password, the password question reappeared, and eventually the ssh window was closed.

When I installed Cygwin ssh, I did not use any password.

Any hints ?



Alexander Gottwald skrev:

On Mon, 2 May 2005, a12 wrote:

Hello X users,

I access a Sun server using:
XWin.exe -query <sun-host>
I login, and start an application in the Sun server correctly.

When I start xterm using startxwin.bat, and then I start xterm to a Sun server using:
xterm -e /bin/telnet <sun-host> &
I get a new xterm window from the Sun server, and I login to the Sun server correctly.
Then I start a graphical application in the Sun server, and I get the following error:
*** OI_init: Error, cannot connect to X server
ntc: couldn't open a connection to a X server

What have I missed ?

telnet does know nothing about the xserver. Use ssh instead.

xterm -e ssh -Y <sun-host> &

This will connect using the secure ssh protocol and tunnel all X11 traffic thought the ssh connection. If this does not work check the
FAQ entries about ssh connections



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