I'm using cygwin/x on Windows 2000 to access an HP-UX server. I wish to
use the CDE, which I currently achieve with the following:

 - run startxwin.bat from Windows explorer;

 - xhost <HP hostname>
 - telnet <HP hostname>
 - DISPLAY=<win hostname>:0.0
 - export DISPLAY
 - /usr/dt/bin/dtsession

This promptly pops up the CDE, but I feel it is a little clunky.

I am using this roundabout way as I am going through a firewall and
have access only for Telnet (port 23). Is it possible to access the
HP-UX server in a way that direclty pops-up the CDE with its logon box?
(incidently, I can do this when I'm on the other side of the firewall
using "xwin -query <HP hostname>, but this hangs from my current



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