
our cross-platform application is working on Linux and Windows but not on Cygwin
when X are installed. The problem has been tracked down and as a result:
What is the reason for naming /usr/X11R6/bin/libfreetype.dll and not
cygfreetype.dll ?

We are using Coin for 3D rendering and it automatically looks for freetype
library, that may be installed on the system. Because Coin does not link with
cygwin1.dll, it results in crash(*). Such problem may have other applications
also, if they are using FreeType and they are for some reason used in cygwin.
Otherwise, cygwin is making barrier between its own compiled applications and
non-cygwin-native applications that can not be used in cygwin anymore.

Maybe, you have also some reasons for naming them like this. Should I develop
some strange workaround based on detection whether FreeType library is linked
against cygwin1.dll, or can the naming be considered a bug that will be removed
in future releases? Or any other suggestions?

(*) I am expecting that I have understood it well, that I can not link MSVC
compiled applications and cygwin-gcc compiled DLLs.

Thanks for any comments.

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