On Wed, 29 Jun 2005, Tobias Polzin wrote:

> Hi,
> I configured my win-taskbar to be "always on top" and other windows respect
> this, but any Xfree window (e.g. an xterm) can be put above the taskbar,
> which is quite annoying.

Even more strange: the taskbar will hide if a Cygwin/X window has the focus. 
and other windows which were behind the taskbar before are now visible too. 
I'll have to take a closer look. Maybe this was once added as a feature to 
make areas visible which were hidden otherwise.

> By the way: Is there a bug-tracking database for Cygwin-Xfree? If not,
> wouldn´t it be good to have one?

You can add bugs to https://bugs.freedesktop.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=xorg
Component is DDX/cygwin and assign the bug to ago at freedesktop dot org.

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