I use openSSH running under Cygwin-X to communicate with a Solaris
workstation at work.  When I logged into Solaris with SSH, I received
messages that there was no valid xauth data and that "fake" data would
be used for X11 forwarding.  My mail reader (exmh) also complained
repeatedly about failures of xauth authentication.

I dug out my old X manual (which goes back to X11R5) and looked up
xauth.  It suggested running this command under Solaris:

xauth -extract $DISPLAY | rsh <my home PC with Cygwin> xauth merge -

Since I didn't want to use rsh I did this:

1) (Solaris) xauth -extract $DISPLAY > xauth.data

2) I transferred xauth.data to the root directory under Cygwin, using

3) (Cygwin) xauth -merge /xauth.data

The last command told me that a new /home/larry/.Xauthority file
was created, which made sense to me.  Otherwise there were no

I shut down my bash shell, closed my Cygwin X server, and restarted
everything.  I still get the same errors when I log into the Solaris
workstation.  Any suggestions?

Larry Griffith

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