On Mon, 1 Aug 2005, Klaus Kassner wrote:

> I have tried to find out where these fonts are on my work computer,
> where everything is available under ubuntu, but I have not yet fully
> figured out how to use them on other computers.  It seems that Helvetica
> Narrow is actually some Nimbus Sans font and there is a file
> /etc/X11/fonts/Type1/gsfonts-x11.alias containing the mapping.  So maybe
> this is part of the way to tell X of the existence of the Ghostscript
> fonts, but I doubt it is the complete picture.
 Actually I got Helvetica Narrow working. I don't know how Debian handles
XXX.alias files as normally only files named fonts.alias are recognized as
aliases. I appended the content from this file to fonts.alias, did some
renaming (e.g. medium vs. regular), copied the fonts from the ghostscript
fonts dir to the Type1 fonts dir and called font-update to rebuild
fonts.dir, fonts.scale and the font cache. After restarting the X server
this worked for some fonts in Xfig or xfontsel, others crashed the
 I found some information on the internet that Debian users who have
installed gsfonts-x11 experienced similar behavior to some extent. I wrote
some nifty installation script that does all the work in setting up the
mappings to the ghostscript fonts but as long as I don't know why some
fonts cause these crashes I prefer not to publish it. This could take a


Michael Denk                     Fakultät für Mathematik und Informatik
Tel. +49 (0851) 509-3136         Universität Passau, Raum K08 IM (Aquarium)
denk at fmi.uni-passau.de        http://www.fmi.uni-passau.de/~denk

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