Coincidentally, I had cygwin/X connecting with our solaris server
and I was playing around with the resolution of second diplay attached
to my XP laptop, just before I read this email.

I was running statistical and graphical software on solaris thrown to
my cygwin wmaker display.

My cygwin/X session went blank and unresponsive. No X windows were
shown but the usual latent images sticking to any hung up XP window.
I had to kill the window using XP task manager.

Whenever I use Reflection/X and I happened to play around with my the
resolution of my laptop, despite Reflection/X warning
"reset X server ... or else ... ",
the X display would still continue to function without any noticeable
defect or degradation without a reset.

If circumstances had me believe in Santa, though I never will,
this issue would be on my wish list to be sent to the North Pole.
[Dear Santa, I would like to have cygwin/x frost-free whenever I
play around with resolution of my laptop.]

-----Original Message-----
Is cygwin/X somehow able to handle screen resolution changes?  Currently 
I start X with the startxwin.bat file that comes in the package. I end 
up changing screen resolution depending on whether I am connected to a 
monitor or looking at the laptop LCD. Everytime my xterms start behaving 
oddly (e.g., with a white band in the right side, etc.)

So can I make it work smoothly in this scenario with some flags, etc. If 
not is this on the list of things to do.


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