Carson Wilcox wrote:
> Sometimes when I an running CygwinX on windoze 2000 the mouse begins
> behaving badly. I can move it but when I move it over an x-window the
> window goes to focus, but the mouse pointer does not display on the
> window.
> The only way I have been able to recover is to kill the xserver and
> restart it which is an issue when I have a lot of window open.
> Has anyone seen this behavior and/or have a better way to recover.

I've seen this.  I usually see it after I've been switching between virtual 
desktops (I use goScreen), so I've been assuming it was an artifact of that.

However, I don't see it very often, and I don't think it has happened since 
I last upgraded.  What version are you running? 

> Thanks
> Carson


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