On Thursday, September 01 at 01:35, Brian Keener wrote:
I have a microsoft mouse with a scroll wheel that scrolls both up and down, and left/right. The up/down scrolling action seems to act as left/right arrows.

In firefox, using the scroll wheel goes back/forwards a page, for an example.

Any idea what to do to fix this?

Brian K

If this behaviour is consistent across all X applications, you could
try using xmodmap:

First, use xev to identify which button numbers are associated with the
up, down, left & right movements.  Let's say these are 4, 5, 6 & 7
respectively.  If you want the up "button" swapping with left, and
down swapping with right, you would enter:

xmodmap -e "pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5"

you can use xmodmap -pp to verify the change.  You should see
something like this:

$ xmodmap -pp
There are 7 pointer buttons defined.

   Physical        Button
    Button          Code
       1              1
       2              2
       3              3
       4              6
       5              7
       6              4
       7              5

I can't guarantee that this will work with XWin, but this technique
works for xorg on Linux, so it's likely to be OK.


Worked like a charm, Phil.


Brian K

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