On Mon, 5 Sep 2005, Colin Harrison wrote:

> Hi,
> Another decision is what executables and dlls are built in distributions?
> Do we provide:-

About the current status:

> 1) Support for GL and Mesa only by two builds (current situation), where GL
> version is faster but less universally applicable?

There is ongoing work to add a layer between xserver glx code and the OpenGL 
library (native or mesa) which will make it possibe to switch at runtime.
The current code requires this decision at build/link time

> 2) Support for builds of both Xwin and Xming from the same source tree?

It is already possible. The CYGWIN branch on freedesktop is only used for 
creating stable releases while the HEAD branch includes newer features like
the internalwm code and some changes to the multiwindow code but were still
evolving. Xming is built from HEAD because it required some changes to the 
code which I did not wanted to backport to the CYGWIN branch.

> 3) Additional specialist builds...I do my own xc/config/cf file changes, for
> instance, to optimise for Pentium processors and performance/codesize (~40%
> improvements easily made)?
> In the long run xorg is becoming modular (moving away from the original
> monolithic structure, we build against), should this be taken on board
> sooner or later?

Some work is already done for building XWin from the modular tree but it is 
not working as expected. There will be a 6.9 _and_ 7.0 release the next months
where the feature set and code is identical but the build system is different.
With the current status only the 6.9 release will work for Cygwin but the 
monolithic tree will get abandoned in the next releases so following the 
modular path is a strict requirement.

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