Thanks for providing me with the info. Sadly, no progress.

1. "run xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l" was being invoked, the only change I had
made to startxwin.bat was the options for XWin.exe

2. I restored the  '-clipboard -silent-dup-error parms' - see from the log:
XWin was started with the following command line:
/usr/X11R6/bin/XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error  

3. I created a /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/system.Xwinrc file by pasting in the lines
from your reply and joining up the split comment lines - I used UltraEdit
and saved it in UNIX file format.

I still end up in the same position. The 'X' icon shows up in the system
tray, but I  can't interact with it.

One of things I found today while searching, said that after the X icon
appears, I should get a terminal window open (with horrible colours!), but I
don't get that. My guess is that such a window could be expected from the
'run xterm...' statement?.

Regards, John

John Ormerod
erebor limited

-----Original Message-----
From: Reid Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 September 2005 19:41
To: John Ormerod
Subject: RE: Is my X Servier not fully started (Rel:

Reid Thompson wrote:
> John Ormerod wrote:
>> Hello
>> I've been struggling all day in what is a new world for me. I need to 
>> have GUI access to a Linux system that runs in a
> did you comment out this line from your .bat file?
> If you did, uncomment it.
> run xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l
> .......snip
> REM Startup the X Server with the integrated Windows-based window 
> manager. REM WARNING: Do not use 'xwinclip' in conjunction with the 
> ``-clipboard'' REM command-line parameter for XWin.  Doing so would 
> start two clipboard REM managers, which is never supposed to happen.
> run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error
> REM Startup an xterm, using bash as the shell.
> run xterm -e /usr/bin/bash -l
> ......snip
> I believe the context menu you are referring to is controlled by a 
> .XWinrc file in your home directory....
> $ cat .XWinrc
> # XWin Server Resource File - EXAMPLE
> # Earle F. Philhower, III
> # Place in ~/.XWinrc or in /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/system.XWinrc
> # Keywords are case insensitive, comments legal pretty much anywhere # 
> you can have an end-of-line
> # Comments begin with "#" or "//" and go to the end-of-line
> # Paths to commands are **cygwin** based (i.e. /usr/local/bin/xcalc)
> # Paths to icons are **WINDOWS** based (i.e. c:\windows\icons)
> # Menus are defined as...
> # MENU <name> {
> #       <Menu Text>     EXEC    <command>
> #                               ^^ This command will have any
> "%display%" #                                  string replaced with
> the
> proper display
> #                                  variable (i.e.
> #  or   <Menu Text>     MENU    <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>
> #  or   <Menu Text>     ALWAYSONTOP
> #                         ^^ Sets the window to display above
> all others
> #  or   <Menu Text>     RELOAD
> #                         ^^ Causes ~/.XWinrc or the
> system.XWinrc file
> #                            to be reloaded and icons and
> menus regenerated
> #  or   SEPARATOR
> #       ...
> # }
> # Set the taskmar menu with
> # ROOTMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>
> # If you want a menu to be applied to all popup window's system menu # 
> DEFAULTSYSMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>
> # To choose a specific menu for a specific WM_CLASS or WM_NAME use ... 
> #       <class-or-name-of-window>
> <name-of-prior-defined-menu> <atstart|atend>
> #       ...
> # }
> # To define where ICO files live (** Windows path**) # ICONDIRECTORY 
> <windows-path i.e. c:\cygwin\usr\icons>
> # To define a replacement for the standard X icon for apps w/o 
> specified icons
> # DEFAULTICON   <name-of-windows-ico-file-in-icondirectory>
> # To define substitute icons on a per-window basis use... # ICONS {
> #       <class-or-name-of-window> <icon-file-name.ico> #       ...
> # }
> # In the case where multiple matches occur, the first listed in the 
> ICONS # section will be chosen.
> # DEBUG <string> prints out the string to the XWin.log file
> // Below are just some silly menus to demonstrate writing your // own 
> configuration file.
> // Make some menus...
> menu apps {
>     rxvt-green_on_black    exec    "rxvt -sl 2000 -sb -sr -cr
> red -geometry 80x40+200+100 -fg green -bg black -e /usr/bin/bash"
>     rxvt-yellow_on_black    exec    "rxvt -sl 2000 -sb -sr -cr red
>                   -geometry 80x 40+200+100 -fg yellow -bg black -e
>         /usr/bin/bash" "Emacs"         exec    "emacs"
>         xterm   exec    "xterm"
>         notepad exec    notepad
> }
> menu root {
> // Comments fit here, too...
>         "Reload .XWinrc"        RELOAD
>         "Applications"  menu    apps
>         SEParATOR
> }
> menu aot {
>         Separator
>         "Always on Top" alwaysontop
> }
> menu xtermspecial {
>         "Emacs"         exec    "emacs"
>         "Always on Top" alwaysontop
>         SepArAtor
> }
> RootMenu root
> DefaultSysMenu aot atend
> SysMenu {
>         "xterm" xtermspecial atstart
> }
> # IconDirectory "c:\winnt\"
> # DefaultIcon   "reinstall.ico"
> # Icons {
> #       "xterm" "uninstall.ico"
> # }
> DEBUG "Done parsing the configuration file..."
> reid


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