Well it looks like user error was to blame for my
compile problems.

After a couple of hours of searching, I was able to
compile using the following:
gcc example.c -o example -lglu32 -lopengl32 -lglut

Now, my attempt to execute the program has hit a snag,
I'm seeing the following error:

-bash:example.exe: command not found.

(example.exe is definately in the directory)

--- William Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I trying to compile a simple .c program that I
> downloaded from sgi.com. I'm using the following to
> compile the program (works on my UNIX box...):
> gcc example.c -lglut -lGL -lGLU -L/usr/X11R6/lib
> -lX11
> -lXmu -lm
> I get a slew of compile errors, for every OpenGL api
> call..For instance:
> undefined reference to [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
> I noticed something a bit odd. The documentation
> states that /usr/include/GL should contain the
> files:
> glut.h and gl.h, but I ONLY have glut.h.
> I took a look on my UNIX box at the missing gl.h
> file,
> and it turns out that all of the prototypes for
> these
> calls are in gl.h. 
> Any suggestions? I'm puzzled as to why the glut
> stuff
> is there, but the opengl stuff is not..
> Thanks, Scott
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