On 29.09.2005 06:25 UK Time, Brian Dessent wrote:
Herbert Eppel wrote:

Thanks for this. I have a (relatively old) optical Logitech mouse, and I
can't see such an option in the mouse properties. Perhaps I simply have
to get used to the left/right combination :-)

You might try installing the MS Intellipoint drivers anyway.  I have
read in the past that it sometimes works with non-MS mice as well.  You
might have to use an older verion -- I am stuck on 4.1 but the latest is
5.3.  Frustratingly, some versions do not have the "enable
program-specific settings" checkbox.  I seem to recall 4.12 does not,
but 4.1 does, which is why I use it.


Thanks, I might try that.

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By the way, is there a good reason why the space in the footer delimiter for this list is missing, i.e. it should be "-- " instead of "--" ?

Without the space Thunderbird, for example, doesn't automatically cut off the footer in replies as one would expect.


Herbert Eppel

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