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Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2005 23:45:53 +0200 (MET DST)
From: Angelo Graziosi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: cygwin@cygwin.com
Subject: RE: overlapping windows in cygwin

Fabrizio Salvatore wrote:

> I also noticed that for some graphical programs (like PAW, for
> example, the physics analysis workstatio developed at CERN), when an
> xterm window is overlapped to the graphics window, the part of the
> plot that is covered by the xterm is cancelled and when I focus back
> to the graphic window (by clicking on it) my plot is partially
> deleted. Any idea why this happens ?

You should add the option '+bs' when starting XWin, i.e.:

     run XWin -multiwindow -clipboard -silent-dup-error +bs

(This results from PAW-All-FAQ)

Best regards,


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