For the risk of being yelled at for being irrelevant,
I'll exploit the opportunity this story will be
archived for time immemorial.

As the story goes ...

Once upon a time, there was a rich trader who lived in
a huge house who had a poor neighbour living in a tiny
house just behind the rich trader's kitchen.

For every of holy days or when the trader threw a banquet
the rich scents and odour of the kitchen would permeate
into the poor neighbour's living room cum kitchen cum
pantry cum occasional guest bedroom.

Despite all the rich food, the trader felt lethargic and
frail and never had a good day. Once in a blue moon she
had the chance to meet her poor neighbour. Actually, it
was the converse - the poor neighbour might chance upon
meeting the trader. For this particular blue moon, the
trader was especially irritated and so when she saw the
happy and healthy countenance of her poor neighbour she
became extremely annoyed.

"What reason for thy fumbling and demeaning expressing
of joy and unbounded appearance of health? What measure
of food my servants might have smuggled thee and which
case I would consider theft?"

"Nay. Surely not." Said the poor neighbour. "For it is
thine own generosity from which did I benefit."

"Excellent. What then shalt thou consider as recompense
for this benefit which thou hast unreasonably taken from
me without my prior adjudging or deliberation?"

"I have not any means to pay thee nor any meaning to pay
for scents and odour that waft into my abode without my
prior consideration or deliberation."

"Nay so, for if my pet cat or dog wafted into thine
household without thy prior consideration or deliberation,
shouldest thou not return them each in one piece and
alive rather than consume them for thy personal culinary
and nutritional benefit? So return me my scents and
odours." She demanded.

"Nay too, as if it came to that situation, I would have
none of any resources to recapture thy pets unless thou
provided the man-, woman- or person-power to capture the
pets for thyself and recompense me for the trespass of thy
wafty entities as well as the trespass of those whom thou
wouldest send to recapture thy privacy."

Years passed with many friends and relatives as well as
unsolicited strangers wafting into the poor neighbour's
house to enjoy the rich waft of the rich trader's kichen.
So it came to pass that the neighbours chanced upon
another blue moon.

"Thou has yet to recapture my assets that had wafted
into thine household. But I shall forgive and forget
and hold you no more responsible for their recapture.
But I understand not why thee and thy many friends exude
such countenance of health and happiness. For I have had
for many years no more feasts nor festivities from which
thou nor thy equally poor friends could benefit."

"You forget we have memory. For the good scents and
odours have been archived in our memory and whenever we
think about them we become unboundlessly joyous and happy."

"I entreat thee to erase such memory from thy archive
for it is my privacy that thou art accessing each time
you recall those scents and odours. That is the least thou
shouldest have done for me."

"What about the scents archived in the memories of my
myriad of friends and relatives? Even if I could
erase my memory off thy privacy but I retain no means nor
such authority to erase thy supposed assets off my friends
and relatives."

On hearing that, the rich trader walked away, feeling
more and more discouraged about the loss of her privacy
that had leaked into her neighbourhood. "Is this how
y'all should treat me for the benefit I have given y'all?"

~(Copyleft 2006/01/05).

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Rainer Luxus
Sent: Wed, January 04, 2006 5:59 AM
Subject: Removal or anonymization of a posting

Dear receiver,

it's now for many years that I find a certain posting
in the cygwin xfree archive associated with my name
and (office) email address when I'm looking for my
name with the GOOGLE search engine. 

I have accepted this for the elapsed time for the sake
of other users that might have found help in the
answer to my question. (But I was never happy with it
and I did never agree to this practice at all.)

Now more than 3 years later I can't see any benefit in
this posting and so I want to ask you to remove or at
least anonymize it (and change the file name!!!)

I'm talking about the following posting:

Internet, news groups and so on are a great thing but
only in conjunction with a careful handling of
personal data, privacy etc.  I hope you understand my
petition and spend those 10 minutes to erase my
personal data from the archive.

Please don't let me hang!

Best regards

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