René Berber wrote:
Right forum for qt3, wrong forum for kde.

The distinction is that qt3 is an official Cygwin package while KDE is from the
Cygwin Ports project.

Actually, I've just started working on KDE again with 3.5.1, but I never got as far as kwrite. This is probably from the KDE-Cygwin project, and I have no idea how and if their KDE packages (which are mostly old) work with our Qt3.

The error after "Resource deadlock avoided" is probably meaningless.  My
experience with Scribus is that the application silently ended, another (QT3's
uic) deadlocked.
The solution I found for Scribus was to recompile QT with debug enabled, the
package building failed but the library was produced.  Using that QT library
results in Scribus working fine... but with uic is another story, a very strange
story: sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

I haven't debug any further but with gdb it looks like it's a thread problem
(the problem seems to be in some inline C++ code that is difficult to work
with).  So another solution could be to build QT with no thread support (if that
makes sense and works).

Most packages nowadays require a threaded Qt, including KDE, so this isn't very practical.


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