On Tue, Feb 28, 2006 at 12:12:27AM -0500, Doug Bohl wrote:
> After much turmoil, I've managed to get a number of window managers
> running in Cygwin/X.  What I'm wondering is this:  Is it at all
> possible to allow my windows programs to be managed by my Cygwin/X
> window manager?  Presently, if I'm in -fullscreen mode and I'm running
> some X programs, I'd have to alt+tab out of X and into explorer.
> If this isn't possible, what would I have to do to make it possible? 
> Maybe write an X program to 'trap' the window of a Windows program
> into an invisible X window.  Or something like that.
My approach is simply to run multiple desktops on my windows machine.
I dedicate one to Cygwin/X and use the others for Windows programs.

XP has a simple multi-desktop system that comes with it (I can't
remember what it's called though), I use V-Com's PowerDesk myself.


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