Charles Wilson wrote:
Alan originally planned to migrate any specific changes in the CYGWIN branch over to HEAD:
"I'll be working on getting whatever changes exist on [the CYGWIN] branchover into the mainline trunk code next."

But that statement was made AFTER the test release and there is no indication of whether that actually happened -- or if it was even necessary (it's possible that there were no differences between the CYGWIN branch and the HEAD branch as of 27-Oct-2005). Nor is it known whether any of these CYGWIN-branch-only changes, IF they even exist, were merged to the modular codebase.

FWIW, a grep for CYGWIN in the libraries turns up very few source files, but hw/xwin is present in the server source.'s 7.0 release contained EXACTLY the same code as their 6.9 release, only in modularized form using autotools instead of imake. However, even tho Alan was able to build a release-candidate for the monolitic 6.9 code on cygwin, it is unknown whether that same code, over in the modularized tree, can be built on cygwin. Are cygwin's autoconf/automake/libtool up to the task? Did the folks who put together the and files make any assumptions that are not true for cygwin? Unknown.

The following packages need to have '-no-undefined' added to the *_la_LDFLAGS: libXdmcp liblbxutil libXmu libXaw libXevie libXfont libXi libXres.

Other issues I've found so far:
* libX11: if X_LOCALE is not defined in general, then at least XSetLocale needs to be forced into the library for compatibility with 6.8. * liblbxutil: there's an $(EXEEXT) missing in a custom make rule, and there's an unaccounted dependency on libXdmcp.
* libXaw: the install-exec-hook is Linux-specific.

Alan's original plan was "To switch to the modular build without a doubt." and not remain on the monolithic (and now frozen/dead/buried) codebase, so the "keep a big patch" method being used by Colin for xming is not applicable. However, it is unknown how much progress Alan and others were able to make in "switching to the modular build" -- never mind adapting the monolithic-oriented release and pakaging scripts.

It is unknown how much of Colin's stuff is helpful for cygwin or already ported/merged-into to the modular codebase.

The release and packaging scripts -- which do not appear to be publicly available anyway -- need to be modified to work with the modular architecture. It is unknown what the status of that effort is.

With the modular system, you can use the g-b-s as well, one for each tarball. See the following for more details:

X11R7.0 and beyond, according to the xorg folks, is supposed to live in /usr and NOT /usr/X11R6 (and not /usr/X11R7, either). It is unknown what effect this will have on other cygwin packages. generic-build-script based builders will need to change --x-libraries= statements, but beyond that? Runtime effects should be minimal, although folks will need to remove their cygwin-x shortcuts and re-run (a new, updated)

For one, all other packages should be moved ASAP to /usr, and this can precede X11R7.0. The affected packages outside of xorg-x11 itself are:


The update to libXft needs to include a postinstall script along the lines of:

find /usr/lib -name '*.la' | xargs -r sed -i -e 's:/usr/X11R6/lib/libXft\.la:/usr/lib/libXft\.la:'

A similar solution is needed for any other libtool libraries being moved.

Also, much of the documentation in the Contributor's Guide would need to change, to reflect new build procedures -- both for "how to make setup.exe-style packages from a modular xorg tree" and "I just want to build and test and have no interest in making release packages". Does anybody even have a clue as to how these instructions would need to change? Has *anybody* tried to build the modular codebase?

I've got as far as the necessary utils, and all protos and libs; I haven't got to the server yet. So far it's pretty straight forward, just very tedious.


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