alex wrote:
>>> <> ) under
>>> point 3.3 the problem starts. when executing the command i get the
>>> error massage that the command can not be found.
>> That would suggest that you have to install the rebase package.  Rerun
>> setup.exe to install it.
> The funny thing is that i do have one exe file (rebase.exe) and one file
> which is named rebaseall !?

Try to determine which command can not be found... it could be ash, you say you
have rebaseall so that's no it, it could be basename, grep, gzip, sed, rebase...
any other used by rebaseall.

Probably the easy way to do this is to add the parameter -x to ash, something
like this from the Windows command line:

bin\ash -x bin/rebaseall ... and all the rest.
René Berber

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