On Wed, 2006-03-15 at 12:45 +0700, Alexander wrote:
> Ok.
> He should check if he did install the recomended configuration within 
> the Windows setup:
> For all Users.
> if yes he should start the Shared memory Service that is where the 
> SHM-MIT is comming from and probably also the mutex pthread. For this he 
> can rtfm where it is explained in detail.
> And then he may have his chinise big fonts and a running XWindows.
> But after more than 20 years of C programming and over 10 years of Linux 
> a newbie calling himself Senior is just to funny.

Oh, you're so wise. Get back to start and check the logfile. There is
one line which indicate a network related problem:
winClipboardProc - Call to select () failed: -1.  Bailing.

You did know that? Everything else you mentioned is not critical. So
don't piss people off if you don't have a clue either.


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