Siegfried Heintze wrote:
>> I used to use the following all the time to access my Windows machine
>> remotely:
>> ssh -f -L 5901:localhost:5900 -N -C -o Compression=yes -o
>> CompressionLevel=9 
>> <machine name or ip>
>> vncviewer &
> Hmmmm... I hope that is not true. I hope this is on topic because I think it
> is an issue with installing ssh. I get the following error when I try the
> command above:
> No matching comp found: client zlib server none,[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I tried leaving off the -o and compression flags, but this did not help. I
> got the same error until I removed the -C and then it did not even give me
> an error message (and still did not work).
I'm no expert, but...

-C and -o Compression=yes are the same option, so it'll fail due to what
looks like an incompatibility between versions of ssh I think. See:

If you leave compression off, then you won't get an error message
because it's probably working. ssh with -f will just spawn in the
background and return (-f implies -n, which redirects to /dev/null).

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ssh -C -N -f -L 5901:localhost:5900
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ ps -elf | grep ssh
1 S me    19430     1  0  75   0 -  1117 -      10:42 ?        00:00:00
ssh -C -N -f -L 5901:localhost:5900 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You don't say *how* it's not working, but if you're using
"5901:localhost:5900" as the tunnel, you'll need to connect vncviewer to
localhost:1 not just localhost.

- Si

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