I think you are confused about the use of the word server as it
applies to X-Windows type applications.  In X windows, the "client" is
the program such as emacs. The X-Windows server manages the display
for the client program.  A client program will ask the X-Windows
server to draw something on the display.  The X-Windows Server does
the work and we users get to see the result.

The Cygwin X-Windows server is NOT a Windows Service.  It is just a
program, like any other.  Once you have lauched it, you can lauch a
terminal program like xterm (A X-Windows Client program) to start up
other X-Window client programs.

On 4/3/06, John Rehill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> Total newbie here in relation to not only cygwin & cygwin/X but also to
> UNIX... I'm a total windows slave.
> Anyway I've been given the delightful task of trying to configure cygwin and
> cygwin/X server for use on our systems.  But I've run into a wall.  Well
> actually quite a few really but I'll get to the point of the first one...
> How do I enable cygwin/X server as a service on Windows 2k & XP?  I've read
> the help files and FAQ but although it said to use the cygserver-config
> script I'm at a lost as to how to do that.
> All I need for the moment is the ability to start the server first.  The
> rest I'll ask about later (if people are kind)
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