David wrote:

I have XWin and am running on Windows2000
professional, starting it like this:

   XWin -multiplemonitors -clipboard -rootless -screen ...

And, I am runing fvwm2 as the window manager, and a couple
of xterms in it.

So, I left mouse click to highlight some text, and
hit CNTL-C to copy it and move to another window
and hit CNTL-V to paste it.
Nothing happens. I also tried pasting into the native
windows application "Notepad" and still nothing.

I looked into the xclipboard man page, but there was
nothing there. I checked the web. Someone suggested I
should use -emulate3buttons.

I would like to be able to copy from one xterm to another.

Every window has the reverse video highlight capability.
However, I can't get beyond that.

Please help.



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if your mouse has a clickable scrollwheel, or any other button that can be identified as 'button3', click it.
1. highlight text to copy ( ctrl-C is NOT require )
2. make 'paste into' window/Xapp the active window ( click on the window/Xapp you want to past into) 3) click the scroll button, or if emulate3buttons is on , click left/right buttons in quick sequence ( or click whatever other button your mouse has defined as button3 3a) to paste into a native WINDOWS app, select the app, ctrl-v, or right click/select paste

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