
I'm running into problems using  XWin X Server (tried current stable and
with AIX 5.3 clients.

The clients start alright (having ssh'd or telnet'd the AIX machine, set the
starting xterm or other client), but then the keyboard input for that client
will be
garbled: it seems to be a permanent "Alt-Gr" mode, i.e. I am getting "@",
"|" and
"³" characters just fine (without pressing Alt-Gr, german keyboard), but
that's all I get.

This has been observed before:

(german posting).

At the same time an Exceed(8.0) server (on :1.0) does have no problems
with the AIX 5.3 clients.

All other clients that I am connecting to (AIX 5.1, Solaris 8, RHEL 3) are
just fine.

A local (cygwin-) xterm with an ssh-session to AIX 5.3 works fine.

X startup I'm using:

xwin -clipboard &

Then a local xterm, then local wmaker....


_XSERVTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.X11-unix should be set to root
(II) XF86Config is not supported
(II) See http://x.cygwin.com/docs/faq/cygwin-x-faq.html for more information
MIT-SHM extension disabled due to lack of kernel support
XFree86-Bigfont extension local-client optimization disabled due to lack of
shared memory support in the kernel
(--) Setting autorepeat to delay=500, rate=31
(--) winConfigKeyboard - Layout: "00000407" (00000407) 
(--) Using preset keyboard for "German (Germany)" (407), type "81"
(--) 5 mouse buttons found
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/CID/, removing
from list!
Could not init font path element /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi/, removing
from list!
winProcEstablishConnection - Hello
winInitClipboard ()
winClipboardProc - Hello
winProcEstablishConnection - winInitClipboard returned.
DetectUnicodeSupport - Windows NT/2000/XP
winClipboardProc - DISPLAY=
winClipboardProc - XOpenDisplay () returned and successfully opened the
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winProcSetSelectionOwner - Clipboard not yet started, aborting.
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - XConvertSelection () failed for
CompoundText, aborting: 1
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - XConvertSelection () failed for
UTF8String, aborting: 1
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - XConvertSelection () failed for
CompoundText, aborting: 1
winClipboardFlushXEvents - SelectionNotify - XConvertSelection () failed for
UTF8String, aborting: 1
winClipboardWindowProc - WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD - Nested calls detected.  Bailing.

Any ideas anyone? Could it be that the more complete 64-Bit-ness of AIX 5.3
is posing
a problem here?

Thanks in advance for any advice,



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