David Balazic wrote :
> Hi!
> The problem returned.
> I am using cygwin1-20060614.dll
> Now I downloaded cygwin1-20060802.dll and hope it will be better.

More info :

 I connected with Remote Desktop to the session that is running X.
I saw two "X" icons in systray, one obviously dead. I moved the mouse
pointer over them and one disappeared. The CPU usage dropped to 50%.

After a while, CPU usage climbed back to 100% (remember, this is a
2 CPU SMP system).

Sysinternals Process Explorer shows the following :
 - XWin.exe process memory usage ("Private Bytes") jumps between
   176 and 340 megabytes (every second or two)
 - XWin.exe CPU usage is split half-half in two threads :
   - xwin.exe+0x1000 (start address)
   - cygwin1.dll!_getreent+0x2fa0
  There are 4 other threads using little to none CPU all running


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