PMFJIH, but is the WinXP screen resolution
*substantially* different from the ubuntu screen
resolution?  I do not know if it solves anything, but
could a big difference in the screen resolutions
explain observably slower paints?

Just a thought.


--- Phlip <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My Cygwin's X server generates the slowest GUIs on
> my workstation. The
> rest handle simple repaints in user-time. I have
> observed this
> problem, off and on, over several different
> platforms and
> configurations, for over a year by now, and it has
> limited my ability
> to make Cygwin productive. The problem's tenacity
> makes me think it is
> commonly reported and easy to fix. My inability to
> read the various
> xinitrc-related batch files, and to Google for their
> documentation and
> online FAQs, has told me simply that there is
> something that I don't
> know how to even ask about.
> So I ask my question as a metaphor. Because I have
> experience with GUI
> systems that ship in a safe configuration, instead
> of the fast
> configuration, I ask if this is the case for
> Cygwin's X server.
> Things go downhill from there, but I'm not sure if
> any better metaphor
> were possible...
> The question remains: Where do I start the
> investigate, and what RC
> files and setting lines might control the situation?
> -- 
>   Phlip

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